Oklahoma State Award

Oklahoma State Award

Achievement of Excellence

Commitment to Excellence

Pursuit of Excellence

Chamber Executive Vice President and COO
“At the Tulsa Regional Chamber, we strongly believe in continuous improvement. The process of re-accreditation or applying for an award is an opportunity for introspection and evaluation. We’re humbled to have our efforts celebrated by fellow chambers of commerce, but the real value comes when that self-assessment propels us even further forward.”
MNTC Executive Director of Quality Services
“The Oklahoma Quality Award Criteria – based on the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence – provides MNTC with a strong business framework model. We use it to align our strategic planning and quality management system to continuously meet our mission: to prepare our students and business clients for success, change lives and build better tomorrows for our customers and community.”
Vice President/Administrative Director, Quality and Innovation, INTEGRIS Health, 1986-2014
“The INTEGRIS strategy focuses on excellence in clinical, operational, service and team.” “We are always seeking to take quality to the next level. For us, it’s very much a journey. This is not about winning an award, it’s a process that allows us to look at how much we’ve achieved when compared to Quality criteria in the areas of integration, process management and results. The process itself has a significant impact on the organization and our ability to use the criteria as a global assessment of how we are performing as an organization.”